Tuesday, May 21, 2013

EMC Networker Command Line Restore

Sometimes (for reasons I do not understand) you need to use the command line to control EMC Networker (formally known as Legato). I'm going to give a short example and then follow with what I believe to be a full switch library.

Recover -s MyNetworkerServer -S 74637438882 -iY > c:\copy.log 2>&1

OK so let's analyse that statement:

Refers to the fact that we are trying to do a recovery, and 'recover.exe' will be the executable you see running in task manager.

Specifies the name of the Networker server, replace this with the name of your Networker server.

Defines the 'save set number'. You may have to get this from your Networker administrator or the backup logs or backup log emails that the system publishes each day.

This refers to the conflict resolution option. The actual switch is -i and in this case the 'Y' means 'yes overwrite' other selections can be found in the library below.

Obviously the '> c:\copy.log' is telling the executable to redirect the output to a permanent log instead of the screen and, as always in DOS, the '2>&1' tells the redirect to capture both 'std.out' and 'std.error'.

Here is the rest of the library for 'RECOVER'


       recover [-f] [-n] [-q] [-u] [-i {nNyYrR}] [-d destination] [-c client]
       [-x index-namespace] [-t date | "l locale_date"] [-s server] [-J  stor-
       age-node] [-p pass-phrase] [ dir]
       recover [-f] [-n] [-u] [-q] [-i {nNyYrR}] [-I input file] [-d destina-
       tion] [-c client] [-x index-namespace] [-t date | "l locale_date"]  [-s
       server] [-J storage-node] [-p pass-phrase] -a path...
       recover [-f]  [-n]  [-u] [-q] [-i {nNyYrR}] [-d destination] -s server
       [-J storage-node]-S ssid[/cloneid] [-S ssid[/cloneid]]... [ path]...
       recover [-f] [-q] -i {NYR} -R recover-target [-c client]  [-d  destina-
       tion]  [-x index-namespace] [-t date | "l locale_date"] [-s server] [-J
       storage-node] [-p pass-phrase] [ dir]
       recover [-f] [-n] [-q] [-i {nNyYrR}] [-t date | "l  locale_date"]  [-s
       server] [-J storage-node] [-p pass-phrase] [-N system save set]


       recover  browses  the saved file index and recovers selected files from
       the NetWorker system.  The file index is created in  the  backup  index
       namespace  when  files are saved with save(8).  If files are saved into
       an index-storing archive pool using nsrarchive(8), the  file  index  is
       created  in the archive index namespace.  When in interactive mode (the
       default), the user is presented with a view of the index similar  to  a
       UNIX  filesystem,  and may move through the index to select and recover
       files or entire directories.  In automatic mode (-a option), the  files
       specified  on the command line are recovered immediately without brows-
       ing.  While in save set recover mode (-S option), the save set(s) spec-
       ified are retrieved directly without browsing the NetWorker file index.
       Use of save set recover mode is restricted to root.

       When using recover without the  -S  option,  users  who  are  root  may
       recover any file.  The remaining permission checking rules described in
       the paragraph apply to users who are not root.  For  files  that  don't
       have an Access Control List (ACL), the normal Unix mode bits must allow
       you to read the file in order to recover it.  Files  with  an  ACL  can
       only be recovered by their owner or by root.
       If  path  argument  is  used  with  the save(8) command and one of the
       directories in the path is a symbolic link, then the target path of the
       symbolic  link  must  be specified with -a option to recover the files.
       Recovering the files by specifying the symbolic link in the  path  with
       -a option will result in " not in index" message. Alternatively,
       -S option may be specified to recover these files.

       Concurrent recoveries can be  performed from  an  advanced  file  type
       device (adv_file), either by using multiple -S options to identify mul-
       tiple save sets, or executing multiple recover commands concurrently.       


       -a     Specifies  automatic file recovery with no interactive browsing.
              Path specifies one or more files or directories to be recovered.
              Symbolic  links  are  not  followed, though the link file itself
              will be recovered.  Mount points are also  not  followed  unless
              the most recent save(8) was performed with the '-x' option.

       -S ssid[/cloneid]
              Specifies  save  set  recover mode and can only be used by root.
              This mode can be used to  implement  fast  batch  file  recovery
              without requiring the NetWorker file index entries.  ssid speci-
              fies the save set id's for the  save  set(s)  to  be  recovered.
              When  there  are  multiple  clone  instances for a save set, the
              cloneid can also be specified to  select  the  particular  clone
              instance to be recovered from.  When no path arguments are spec-
              ified, the entire save set contents will be recovered.  One more
              or  more  path's can be specified to limit which directories and
              files are actually recovered.  If path's are supplied, then  the
              beginning  of  each  path name as it exists in the save set must
              exactly match one of the path's before  it  will be  recovered.
              Shell  like  file  name matching using meta characters like `*',
              `?', and `[...]' is not done.  You can use a path that ends  in
              with  a slash (`/') to force a directory only match (e.g., use a
              path of /etc/fs/ instead  of  /etc/fs  to  prevent  files  like
              /etc/fsck from being recovered as well).

       -d destination
              Specifies the destination directory to relocate recovered files.
              Using this option is equivalent to using  the  relocate  command
              when in interactive mode (see usage).  Relative paths are inter-
              preted relative to the current working directory.

       -s server
              Selects which NetWorker server to use.

       -J storage-node
              Specifies which host to use as the storage node for the recovery
              (see nsr_storage_node(5)).

       -c client
              Client is the name of the machine that saved  the  files.   When
              browsing a directory that was saved by another client, the path-
              names will reflect the file tree of the client  that  saved  the
              files.   By  default  save and recover determine the client name
              from the filesystem table.  This option might  be  necessary  if
              the  -L option was used on the save command.  This option cannot
              be used in conjunction with the -S ssid option (save set recover

       -x index-namespace
              Browse/recover  files  in the specified file index namespace. By
              default the backup namespace is used. The other recognized index
              namespace is: archive.  This field is case sensitive.

       -p pass-phrase
              Specifies an additional pass phrase to use  when attempting  to
              recover  files backed up using the aes directive. By default the
              current datazone encryption key is tried as well as the key gen-
              erated  from  the  default pass phrase. Using this option causes
              recover to generate an encryption key from the pass  phrase  and
              try it if the default and datazone pass phrase keys do not work.
              This option can be specified multiple times.
       -t [ date | "l locale_date" ]
              Display/recover files as of the specified date.  The date speci-
              fied can be in nsr_getdate(3) format, or locale_date format when
              "l locale_date" is specified.  Note that the surrounding quotes
              and a blank space after "l" are required for locale_date format.
              Using this option is equivalent to  using  the  changetime  [-l]
              command  with  the given date or locale_date when in interactive
              mode (see usage).  This option cannot  be  used  in  conjunction
              with the -S ssid option (save set recover mode).

              For example, -t date specifies date/time in nsr_getdate (3) for-
              mat.  -t "l " specifies  date/time  in  the locale

              See  changetime  for  more information on the locale_date format

       -q     Turns off the verbose output.  The recover command normally runs
              with verbose output.

       -f     Forces recovered files to overwrite any existing files  whenever
              a name conflict occurs.  This is the same as specifying -iY.

       -n     Does  not write or create any files or directories when recover-

       -i {nNyYrR}
              Specifies the initial default overwrite  response  to  use  when
              recovering  existing  files.   Only one letter may be specified.
              This option is the same as the uasm -i option  when  running  in
              recover  mode.  See the uasm(8) man page for a detailed explana-
              tion of this option.  For directed recovers (see the -R option),
              only 'N', 'Y', and 'R' are valid values.

       -I input file
              Takes the paths to recover from the command line, and read paths
              to recover from the named file.  The paths must  be  listed  one
              per  line.   If no paths are specified on the command line, then
              only those paths specified in the file will be recovered.  To be
              used in conjunction with -a option.

       -R recover-target
              Specifies the name of the remote machine to direct the recovery.
              This is used in conjunction with the -c option to specify brows-
              ing of another client's index.  When  the  -R  option  is  used,
              either  the  -f or the -i option must also be specified in order
              to instruct the recover target what to do when it is  recovering
              existing files. Note that the values 'N', 'Y', and 'R' are the
              only valid ones to use with the -i option for directed recovers.
              Note  also  that the  -a  option  is  not supported with the -R

       -N system save set
              Used  to recover the following system save sets: SYSTEM DB, SYS-
              TEM FILES, or SYSTEM STATE. (Windows Only)

       -u     Stops when an error occurs during recovery.   Normally,  recover
              treats  errors  as warnings and tries to continue to recover the
              rest of the files requested.  However, when this option is used,
              recover  will  stop recovering on the first error it encounters.
              This option is not valid for directed recovers.


       When using recover in the interactive mode, an image of the  filesystem
       at  a  particular  time  is  presented.   Using commands similar to the
       shell, you can change the view and traverse the filesystem.  Files  may
       be selected for recovering, and the actual recover command issued.

       The  following commands manipulate the view of the filesystem and build
       the list of files to recover.  In all of the commands that take a  name
       argument  pattern matching characters can be used. The pattern matching
       characters and regular expression format are the same as for  the  UNIX
       shell sh(1).

       ls [ options ] [ name ...  ]
              List information about the given files and directories.  When no
              name arguments are given, ls lists the contents of  the  current
              directory.   When  a  name is given and name is a directory, its
              contents are displayed.  If name is a file, then just that  file
              is  displayed.   The  current  directory is represented by a '.'
              (period).  The options to this command correspond  to  those  of
              the  UNIX  command,  ls(1).   An  additional recover specific -S
              option can be used to select the save time instead of  the  last
              modified  time  for sorting (with the -t option) and/or printing
              (with the -l option).  Files that have been added to the recover
              list  are  preceded  by  a  '+'.   Files that have an ACL have a
              trailing '+' (e.g.  -rw-r--r--+) after the mode bits when  view-
              ing file details.

       lf [ name ...  ]
              is  the  same  as ls -F.  Directories are marked with a trailing
              '/', symbolic links with a trailing '@', sockets with a trailing
              '=',  FIFO  special  files  with  a trailing '|', and executable
              files with a trailing '*'.

       ll [ name ...  ]
              is the same as ls -lgsF.  Generates a  long  format  listing  of
              files  and  directories.   This  command can be used to find the
              value of a symbolic link.

       cd [ directory ]
              Change the current working directory  to  [  directory  ].   The
              default  directory is the directory recover was executed in.  If
              directory is a simple symbolic link, cd will follow the symbolic
              link.  However, if directory is a path containing symbolic links
              anywhere but at the end of the path, the cd command  will  fail;
              you should cd a component of the path at a time instead.

       pwd    Print the full pathname of the current working directory.

       add [ name ...  ]
              Add the current directory, or the named file(s) or  directory(s)
              to the recover list.  If a directory is specified, it and all of
              its descendent files are added to the  recover  list.   Symbolic
              links  are  not  followed,  though  the link file itself will be
              recovered.  Mount points are also not followed unless  the  most
              recent save(8) was performed with the '-x' option.
       debug [ level ]
              Turn on or turn off debugging. Level must be a number.  If level
              is  0,  debugging  is  off.  As the debug level goes higher, the
              recover command prints out more messages.  By default, debugging
              is off.

       delete [ name ...  ]
              Delete  the  current  directory,  or the named file(s) or direc-
              tory(s) from the recover list.  If  a  directory  is  specified,
              that  directory  and  all  its  descendents are deleted from the
              list.  The most expedient way to recover  a  majority  of  files
              from  a  directory  is to add the directory to the recover list,
              and then delete the unwanted files.

       dir [ w ] [ filename...  ]
              This command is similar to the "ll" command with  the  following
              differences.  The  dir  command  uses the display format used by
              "dir" command in DOS command prompt. Also this command does  not
              add  a + to the files selected for recovery.  With w option, the
              names of the files or directories only are displayed.

       list [ -l ] | [ -c ]
              Display the files on the recover list.  With  no  arguments  the
              recover  list is displayed as a list of full path names, one per
              line, followed but a total count of the files to  be  recovered.
              The  -c  argument  prints  just  the  total count of files to be
              recovered.  The -l argument prints the files in the same  format
              as the ll command with the -dS options.

              Prints  a  list of the volumes needed to recover the current set
              of files on the recover list.  If all volumes are near-line
              (near-line volumes are available volumes that are not  mounted),
              this  command  will  note that all volumes needed are near-line.
              If all volumes are on-line (on-line volumes are those  that  are
              available  and  mounted) or if some volumes are on-line and some
              are near-line, this command will note that all volumes  are  on-
              line.   Both near-line and on-line volumes do not require manual

              Recover all of the files on the recover list from the  NetWorker
              server.  Upon completion the recover list is empty.

              Toggle  the status of the 'verbose' option.  When verbose mode
              is on, recover displays information about each  file  as  it  is
              recovered.  When verbose mode is off, recover only prints infor-
              mation when a problem occurs.  The default is verbose mode on.

       force  If name conflicts  exist,  overwrite  any  existing  files  with
              recovered files.

              Cancel  the  force  option.  When in 'noforce' mode, a prompt is
              issued each time a naming conflict arises between a  file  being
              recovered and an existing file.  At each prompt, six choices are
              presented: 'y', 'Y', 'n', 'N', 'r' and 'R'.   To  overwrite  the
              existing  file,  select 'y'.  To rename the file to an automati-
              cally generated alternative name,  select  'r'.   Selecting  'n'
              causes  the recovered file to be discarded.  The capital letters
              invoke the same action for all subsequent conflicts without fur-
              ther  prompting.   Hence,  selecting 'Y' will cause all existing
              conflicting files to be overwritten, 'N'  will  cause  all  con-
              flicting recovered files to be discarded, and 'R' will automati-
              cally rename all conflicting recovered  files  (except  when  an
              external ASM  has  a conflicting file name that already ends in
              the rename suffix).

       relocate [ directory ]
              Change the target recover location to directory.  If  directory
              is  not  specified then the user will be prompted for a destina-
              tion directory.  Relative paths are interpreted relative to  the
              current  working  directory within the recover program.
              The recovered files will be placed into  this  directory,  which
              will be created if necessary.  When files from multiple directo-
              ries are being recovered, they will be placed below this  direc-
              tory  with a path relative to the first common parent of all the
              files to be recovered.  For example, if /usr/include/sys/errno.h
              and /usr/include/stdio.h are being recovered, and the relocation
              directory is set to /tmp, then the first common parent of  these
              two  files  is  include,  so  the  recovered files will be named
              /tmp/sys/errno.h, and /tmp/stdio.h.

              Print destination location for recovered file.

       exit   Immediately exit from recover.

       help   Display a summary of the available commands.

       ?      Same as help.

       quit   Immediately exit from recover.  Files on the  recover  list  are
              not recovered.

             versions [ name ]
              All  instances  of  the current directory, if name is not speci-
              fied, or the named file or directory,  found  in  the  NetWorker
              file  index  are listed.  For each instance, three lines of data
              are displayed.  The first line is similar to the ll output.  The
              second  line  lists  the  instance's  save time.  The third line
              specifies which tape(s) this instance  may  be  recovered  from.
              With  appropriate  use of the changetime command, any one of the
              entries may be added to the recover list.  As with ls,  lf,  and
              ll,  files that have been added to the recover list are preceded
              by a '+'.


       ls(1), date(1), nsr_getdate(3), strptime(3c), nsr_service(5),
       nsr_device(5), nsr(8), nsrd(8),  nsrindexd(8), nwrecover(8), save(8)


       Recover complains about bad option characters by printing  a  ``usage''
       message describing the available options.

       Message from server: other clones exist for failed save set
              The  request failed on a save set that had multiple clones.  The
              server automatically picks a different clone  on each  attempt.
              Recover  automatically  re-submits  its  recover request to the
              server, if any files remain to be recovered.
       Path name is within machine:export-point
              An  informative  message  that lets you know that the given path
              name is mounted from a network file server and that the recovery
              will use the index for the named file server.  If the machine is
              not a NetWorker client, then the -c option may be necessary.

       Browsing machine's on-line file index
              An informative message that explicitly  states  which  NetWorker
              client's  index  is  being browsed for interactive recovers that
              resolve to another machine.

       Using server as server for client
              An informative message that lets you know which NetWorker server
              was selected for client's index.

       Cannot open recover session with server
              This  message  indicates  that some problem was encountered con-
              necting to the NetWorker server on the named machine.

       error, name is not on client list
              This message indicates that the client invoking the recover com-
              mand is not in the server's client list.  See nsr_service(5) for

       path: Permission denied
              The file name cannot be recovered because you are not root,  and
              you don't have read permission for the file.

       path: Permission denied (has acl)
              The  file name cannot be recovered because you are not root, the
              file has an ACL (Access Control List), and you are not the owner

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