Saturday, February 1, 2020

Mac Time Machine Logs

If you need to view your MacOS Time Machine Logs:

Open Terminal and use:

log show --style syslog --predicate 'senderImagePath contains[cd] "TimeMachine"' --info

of to see them live stream (tail)

log stream --style syslog --predicate 'senderImagePath contains[cd] "TimeMachine"' --info

If you want to only see errors you can always add:

| grep 'error'


1 comment:

  1. "log show --predicate 'eventMessage CONTAINS "Backup result:"' --style syslog --info | grep -e 'bytes =' -e 'files =' -e '-0600 localhost backupd' -e 'DestinationMountPoint' | cut -c 1-43" works better for me (has to be adjusted if not CST zone).
